
Smart Goals

TenderHearts Smart Goals

Year 1: Nurturing Maternal Health 

Establish Maternal Care home and clinics

Specific: Set up one maternal health clinic in a high-need area and a major maternal home fully equipped and furnished.
Measurable: Provide prenatal and postnatal care to at least 250 expectant mothers.
Achievable: Secure partnerships with local healthcare providers and secure necessary funding.
Relevant: Address immediate healthcare needs in underserved communities.
Time-bound: Clinics operational within the first six months.

Educational Campaigns

Specific: Conduct monthly workshops on maternal health and family planning.
Measurable: Reach 50 women with essential health information.
Achievable: Develop culturally sensitive educational materials and collaborate with community
Relevant: Raise awareness about prenatal care and safe childbirth practices.
Time-bound: Launch campaigns within the first quarter

Year 2: Strengthening Impact

Scaling Maternal Health Clinics

Specific: Expand clinics to two new locations, serving a total of 2,000 mothers.
Measurable: Provide comprehensive care, including health screenings, to all mothers.
Achievable: Secure additional funding and hire skilled healthcare professionals.
Relevant: Extend services to more communities, reducing maternal mortality rates.
Time-bound: New clinics operational by mid-year

Training Healthcare Workers

Specific: Train 50 local healthcare workers in maternal health management.
Measurable: Monitor the application of acquired skills in clinical settings.
Achievable: Develop a structured training curriculum and facilitate workshops.
Relevant: Enhance the capacity of healthcare providers to address maternal complications.
Time-bound: Complete training programs by year-end.

Year 3: Broadening Reach

Community Engagement Expansion

Specific: Organize monthly community health fairs in partnership with local organizations.
Measurable: Engage with 50 community members, offering health screenings and education.
Achievable: Collaborate with local leaders to ensure wide participation.
Relevant: Promote proactive health-seeking behaviors and foster community involvement.
Time-bound: Launch community health fairs within the first quarter.

Sustainable Funding Strategy

Specific: Diversify funding sources, securing grants and corporate sponsorships.
Measurable: Increase overall funding by 30% compared to previous years.
Achievable: Develop compelling grant proposals and engage in strategic partnership discussions.
Relevant: Ensure financial stability and longevity of maternal health initiatives.
Time-bound: Secure at least two major grants by mid-year

Year 4: Advocacy and Policy Influence 

Policy Advocacy

Specific: Collaborate with governmental bodies to advocate for improved maternal health policies.
Measurable: Contribute to the development of two maternal health-related policies.
Achievable: Build relationships with relevant policymakers and present evidence-based
Relevant: Influence systemic change to support maternal health initiatives.
Time-bound: Present policy recommendations and engage in discussions throughout the year.

Strengthening Partnerships

Specific: Forge partnerships with international NGOs and healthcare organizations.
Measurable: Collaborate on joint initiatives and share best practices.
Achievable: Identify potential partners with aligned goals and establish collaboration frameworks.
Relevant: Enhance knowledge sharing and global advocacy for maternal health.
Time-bound: Establish partnerships within the first half of the year

Year 5: Sustainability and Growth 

Replicable Model

Specific: Document and share the successful maternal health model for replication.
Measurable: Develop comprehensive guidelines for setting up maternal health clinics.
Achievable: Compile best practices and lessons learned from the past five years.
Relevant: Enable other organizations to replicate the model and expand impact.
Time-bound: Publish guidelines by the end of the year.

Regional Expansion

Specific: Extend operations to neighboring regions, establishing at least two new clinics.
Measurable: Provide care to an additional 3,000 mothers in the new regions.
Achievable: Secure funding and collaborate with local partners in expansion areas.
Relevant: Address maternal health disparities across a broader geographical area.
Time-bound: New clinics operational by the end of the year

This 5-year plan outlines our strategic approach to improving maternal health and reducing maternal mortality rates in underserved communities. Through SMART goals and a holistic approach, we aim to make a significant and lasting impact on the lives of mothers and newborns, creating a healthier and more empowered future for all.


We invite partners, donors, and supporters to join us in this noble cause.

By collaborating with our non-profit organization, you can contribute to meaningful change and improved maternal health outcomes. Together, we can create a future where every mother has access to quality care and experiences childbirth with dignity and safety.